Online Professional Development Courses for Elementary Educators to help you build your students’ number sense.


Pick your grade level below.

The Flexibility Formula K-2nd

The Flexibility Formula K-2 provides an opportunity to learn the fundamental mathematical progressions underlying students’ understanding of numbers as they move past the counting phase and into building their flexibility when operating with numbers.  Topics will include child cognitive development, early numeracy and number relationships, assessing students’ understanding, and providing mathematical experiences that build students’ flexibility and fluency with math in K-2nd grade. Emphasis will be given to developing ideas of student mathematical development, increasing participants’ content knowledge, and instructional practices that promote building students’ understanding of number sense.  The facilitator of this course is Build Math Minds founder Christina Tondevold.

The Flexibility Formula 3rd-5th

The Flexibility Formula 3rd-5th provides an opportunity to learn the fundamental mathematical progressions underlying students’ understandings of numbers to build their flexibility when operating with numbers (multiplication, fractions, and multi-digit addition & subtraction). Topics will include child cognitive development, early numeracy and number relationships, assessing students’ understanding, and providing mathematical experiences that build students’ flexibility and fluency with math in 3rd-5th grade.  The facilitator of this course is Build Math Minds founder Christina Tondevold. 

Counting on Number Sense PreK-1

Counting on Number Sense provides an opportunity to learn the foundation of counting in a way that is not just having students memorize the sequence of numbers.  PreK-1st grade educators will learn how to help kids build connections between numbers as they learn to count.  Topics will include developing counting with an eye toward building number sense, pitfalls of learning to count, observing students, subitizing, and counting up to 100.  Your instructor is Sue Looney.