by Build Math Minds | | Changing Instruction
Resources mentioned in this episode: Teaching After The Coronavirus Shutdown video Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Developmentally Appropriate Instruction for Grades PreK-2 by John Van de Walle, Karen Karp, LouAnn Lovin, and Jennifer Bay-Williams Teaching...
by Build Math Minds | | Designing Lessons
Resources mentioned in this episode: Teaching After The Coronavirus Shutdown video Achieve The Core Focus by Grade Level document Welcome fellow Recovering Traditionalists to Episode 62. Today I am talking about The 80/20 Rule Applied to Teaching Math. This week...
by Build Math Minds | | Changing Instruction
Resources mentioned in this episode: Watch the limited-time replay of the 3 Keys To Building Elementary Students’ Math Fluency webinar Cognitively Guided Instruction: A Knowledge Base for Reform in Primary Mathematics Instruction article by Carpenter, Fennema, and...
by Build Math Minds | | Inspiration from Educators
Number Sense 101 Registration Number Sense 201 Registration Resources mentioned in this episode: Math Running Records book by Dr. Nicki Newton Making Number Talks Matter by Cathy Humphreys & Ruth Parker Number Talks books by Sherry Parrish Ann Elise Record...
by Build Math Minds | | Changing Instruction
Resources mentioned in this episode: Young Children Continue to Reinvent Arithmetic – 3rd Grade: Implications of Piaget’s Theory by Constance Kamii Register for the 3 Keys To Building Elementary Students’ Math Fluency webinar Get information about the Number...