I’m already seeing the posts on social media, and the panic from the teachers I work with.
Testing season is stressful.
I wish there was some magical something I could give you to help make it be awesome, but that doesn’t exist.
Instead I will remind you that this is one test, on one day.
It does not determine your worth as a teacher. It does not determine the mathematical knowledge all kids have.
Yes, for some it may. But I know personally in my household, I have one kid who doesn’t care so he doesn’t put effort into the test even though we try to get him to….but I have another kid who does care and wants to do good but is a horrible test taker.
They both have excellent math minds, but I don’t believe their test results are an accurate reflection of that, both for very different reasons.
There is so much out of your control when kids are taking tests. So, I want to encourage you to take some deep breaths and know that you’ve done the best you can to build their math minds.
The test results may show that…they may not. But your work of helping these kids be mathematicians is more than a test.
Until next week my Fellow Recovering Traditionalists, keep Building Math Minds.
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