by Build Math Minds | | Podcast, Teaching Through Story Problems
Number of The Day worksheets Taking Action: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices by DeAnn Huinker and Victoria Bill The YouTube video for this episode Welcome fellow Recovering Traditionalists to Episode 150: A Quick Math Story Problem Activity...
by Build Math Minds | | Changing Instruction, Podcast
Welcome fellow Recovering Traditionalists to Episode 149: Things to Say Instead of IDK. Before I start this episode I’ve decided to add a positive comments area to the podcast. With all the negativity in the world it’s nice to hear nice things and I’m...
by Build Math Minds | | Podcast
Welcome fellow Recovering Traditionalists to Episode 117. Today I want to tell you Why I Was Gone. You may or may not have noticed, but I haven’t done a podcast in over a month. So instead of jumping right back into a normal podcast, this week I wanted to share why...
by Build Math Minds | | Changing Instruction
Resources mentioned in this episode: Webinar replay (only available through Oct 11) Research about Fact Fluency Register for The Flexibility Formula K-2 course Register for The Flexibility Formula 3-5 course Welcome fellow Recovering Traditionalists to Episode 116. ...
by Build Math Minds | | Designing Lessons
Resources mentioned in this episode: Number Routines Are Not A Time To Teach, They Are A Time To Listen video Number Strings Registration is now open (through October 14, 2021) for the online courses: The Flexibility Formula K-2 online course The Flexibility Formula...