Manage Your Email Preferences
Please use the toggle indicators below to let us know which emails to send. We don’t want to send unwanted email but we understand you might have preferences for certain topics. Be sure to click the “Update Email Preferences” (red) button. You can toggle the “Toggle Off All Options” if you don’t want email in any of these categories. This will not unsubscribe you. To unsubscribe return to your email and click the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the email. **
** You are managing the email address associated with the email you linked to this page from. You may be in our system more than once. Changes on this page only update the one email address. Many schools/districts have increased email security and without indication you may stop receiving our emails. If you are in a course or our Membership this means you may not be receiving important information. If you have any questions or problems with the email you are receiving please contact customer support at