Fast Does NOT Mean Fluent


Helping Kids Learn Math Facts


Math Experiences that Build Fluency 


Students with Math Fluency


Importance of Visuals in Math


The Root of Math Fluency

Part 6: The Root of Math Fluency

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Fluency does involve being fast and accurate but the often missing part of fluency is flexibility.  Flexibility is the most important aspect in developing true math fluency. Whether you are teaching virtually or you have a classroom full of kids, a common concern is how to help children learn their math facts. In this final video of the series, you will see what helps build the root of flexibility, and thus fluency, for your students: number sense.

Imagine how it will feel when your students can approach a math problem without getting frustrated. The way they think about math and numbers is a way that will help them solve any problem, even as they progress into different grade levels.  Not only will they have a solid base of mathematical knowledge, but you did it without using worksheets and timed tests.

Instead, you have activities that you and your students enjoy, that build important mathematical ideas, and don’t take you forever to plan and prepare (i.e. you will NOT be waiting for the copier or the laminator anymore).

By focusing your fluency tasks on building your students’ flexibility, you’ll be starting with the foundation of number knowledge that will help your students build connections to all other areas of math.  You will be building math minds and not just create calculators.

The Flexibility Formula courses are designed to help K-5 educators build their understanding of number sense, how that impacts your students' flexibility & fluency, and activities to do in your classroom that build their fluency by focusing on building their flexibility.

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