Enrollment is Currently OPEN Through August 10.
The Build Math Minds Community is online professional development at your fingertips.
“PD in your PJs!!!!”
Build Math Minds is designed to build your Content Knowledge, your Confidence in teaching math, and gives you a Community of like-minded educators that understand what you are going through as you try to build math-thinkers, not calculators.
- A webinar/master class presented by a leading math education expert
- A video helping you think about connecting math representations
- Video explanation of content and/or practice standards
- A task that you can try out in your classroom
“So much is going on and time is flying, but every time I sign on I learn so much to share with my staff and friends. I love being a part of this community.“
Rachael — Elementary Math Coach
What’s Included in the Build Math Minds Community
Private Forums
Monthly PD Videos
Message Central

Content Calendar
Build Math Minds IS Right For You If:
- You are open and willing to change how to teach mathematics.
- You are a PreK-5th-grade teacher, or homeschooling parent, looking to develop an understanding of the math you need to teach.
- You are an elementary math coach looking to increase your knowledge of how children learn math so you can help the teachers you work with.
Build Math Minds Is NOT Right If:
- You have a great support system in your school to help you implement the new math standards, best practices, and your school provides awesome math PD training.
- You think we should go back to the ‘old way’ of teaching math.
- You are a middle school teacher.
Enrollment is Currently Closed.
What the BMM Community Offers You
As teachers, we never have enough time. I know I’ve spent countless hours searching and researching online, never having that “go to” place that I could always depend upon to give me great info, that was instantly applicable, and yet not too overwhelming.
When I was in the classroom, I didn’t have time to dig through pages and pages of information. I want the BMM Community to be the easy to use, “go to” place for you when you are needing to build your math mind.
Build Your Math Mind
Build a better uderstanding of the math content, the theory of how kids learn that content, the connectedness of mathematics, PLUS ideas on how to implement this new knowledge into your classroom.
Every month you will get new information that will build your math mind. Plus, you always have access to past months information.
There are lots of places you can go online to ask questions, but do you know who is responding? Do they have the same mindset about math education as you? All the educators inside the BMM Community are working on helping children become mathematical thinkers by building children’s conceptual and procedural understandings.
The community is a safe place for you to go to share your struggles and successes as you implement your new understandings.
Trusted Advisors
Having a trusted colleauge or math coach who has the same beliefs about how children learn mathematics can make a world of difference in your life. Sometimes it is just nice to have someone in your corner who can say “Yes, you are headed in the right direction…Keep going!!!”
Christina is actively involved in the forums and so are the other members. You will quickly find other educators who you will learn to trust their guidance inside the community.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the time commitment?
You also have access to past webinars, free trainings, all the BMM Virtual Summit presentations, and the forum area. So, you could spend as much time as you want in the community!
What grade level is this for?
The content inside the community spans the grade bands from PreK through 5th grade. Some months may focus more on PreK-2nd, while other months might be more 3rd-5th, and other months might be general information that spans all the grade levels.
Either way, it is a fundamental belief of mine that we all should learn about content in grades above and below the grades we teach to help us understand where our kids are coming from and where they will be going.
Can I just buy one enrollemnt but share the videos with my staff?
Absolutely! If you are a math coach or teacher leader and plan to use the content during your PLCs or other collaboration times, you are welcome to show videos during that time.
However, if you want each teacher to be able to watch the trainings on their own time, whenever is convienent to them, AND for them to be able to track their hours and earn PD hours, then each person would need their own login. Your school can purchase bulk seats using this order form. ****This link need to go to the Gravity Forms****
Do you take purchase orders?
We take purchase orders when a school purchases a yearly enrollment. We don’t take purchase orders for monthly enrollments.
If your school wants to purchase a yearly enrollment, fax or email us this order form. Make sure to talk with other teachers at your school, as there are bulk discounts available on the form. ****These links need to go the Gravity Forms****
Can I buy a year or 6 month membership?
Yes, you can do a year. Also, I know that due to limitations on what/how schools can pay for items, your school can purchase a yearly enrollment.
However, if for some reason your school will only do a 3 month or 6 month enrollment, just email us and we can see what we can work up.
What if I don't want to be enrolled right now?
I only open enrollment for the Build Math Minds Community a few times a year.
So, you can wait to enroll when it opens back up. However, you won’t get the bonuses that are available for people who register during the Virtual Math Summit.
Will the price go up?
Why is there a recurring fee and not a one-time fee?
Some communities are a one-time fee to join and you get access to everything they have, forever. But all you get is the stuff that they have already created and they aren’t adding anything new.
In this membership community, I continually add new content each month. There are trainings that are in there already and you have access to right away, but there will always be new content being created and added.
What's the difference between this paid community and the Free Facebook group?
The free Build Math Minds Facebook group is a place I post links to activities and other math education people that I love. Basically, I’m sharing WHAT things you should be doing in your classroom. But, I don’t do any trainings in that group.
So, to me the biggest difference is that in the paid BMM community you get professional development video trainings from me that help you understand the WHY behind the math, the standards, and the activities, not just WHAT you need to be teaching.
Enrollment is Currently Closed.
Hi! I’m Christina Tondevold
a.k.a. The Recovering Traditionalist & Build Math Minds Facilitator
4 Quick Facts About Me
1. I have 4 wonderful children and I thank the Lord that he changed the way I thought about mathematics before they arrived in my life so that I could provide math experiences for them, instead of math flash cards.
2. I call myself a Recovering Traditionalist. I was a very traditional learner and teacher…give me an algorithm and I could solve it…give me any mental math or story problems and I would start sweating.
3. I belive in the power of a postitive and growth mindset (for ourselves and our kiddos). Failure is often how we learn our best lessons…yet we try too hard to not let our students fail in class. Feeding them step-by-step directions on how to solve mathematics problems is NOT truly mathematics.
4. My mother was my junior high English teacher and she would probably have a heart attak if she ever ready anything I put out…well, except for the first book I published (she was my editor). I do not take the time to be grammatically correct and nothing is ever prefect {I would rather spend my time with my kids than ensure I wrote a complete sentence.

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