Unlocking Fact Fluency: Free Elementary Math Training for Grades K-5

Pick the grade level below, then get registered. Limited-time replay will be sent out if you can't attend live.


Super Easy Ways to Get Your Students Fluent with Addition

In this training, Christina will help you to see how slowing down and focusing on particular number sense ideas will help your students become more flexible and fluent with their ADDITION (& subtraction) facts.

When: October 14, 2023 @ 8am PACIFIC

Where: Zoom (link will be emailed to you)

Why: Because your students need it!

Live Webinars have ended.
Sign up to view replay.


Super Easy Ways to Get Your Students Fluent with Multiplication

In this training, Christina will help you to see how slowing down and focusing on particular number sense ideas will help your students become more flexible and fluent with their MULTIPLICATION (& division) facts.

When: October 14, 2023 @ 11am PACIFIC

Where: Zoom (link will be emailed to you)

Why: Because your students need it!

PLEASE NOTE: Due to increased school security our email system may be blocked in your district. Consider using a personal email address to sign up. However, if you are already in our email list with a school email continue to use that same email address to avoid creating a duplicate record. If you register for BOTH of these webinars because you have an interest in all grade levels, you will receive email regarding the webinar and replay for both webinars.

In this free training you'll learn...

  • the phases kids go through as they work towards addition/multiplication fact fluency

  • how the visuals we use can hinder (or help) kids' ability to move through the phases

  • why you should stop teaching strategies

  • what the key concepts are to getting kids fluent in facts

  • Simple & Easy Ways to Build Addition/Multiplication Fluency

What PREVIOUS EDUCATORS say about our trainings...

I would have understood math a lot sooner than my early college days if I were taught like this.

When is the next webinar? I need to tell my friends this one is a MUST!

Thanks! I am seeing math in a whole new way. I use different strategies, but my 5th graders are struggling and all this information is so great!

This was so helpful and interesting - thank you so much! You broke it all down so well and made it so relatable!

Thank you for sharing. So inspired and looking at my lessons in a different way. Thank you.

So much to takeaway and use immediately with my learners. Thank you.

I love everything I learn from BMM. It is so helpful for my students.

Thank you so much! You have transformed my mindset and my implementation in the classroom!

Christina Tondevold

Your Education Specialist

I'm Christina Tondevold, math consultant and a Recovering Traditionalist. I work daily on finding a balance of procedural and conceptual experiences for teachers to help them find that same balance when teaching children. I vlog about those experiences at www.TheRecoveringTraditionalist.com and run the Build Math Minds podcast. You can find me on Facebook, and as @BuildMathMinds on Twitter and Instagram.