Understand the 3 Parts to Fluency
We want kids to be fast and accurate, but fluency also entails being flexible. In the Starter Kit, you will see how being flexible helps kids become fluent when operating with single digit numbers all the way through operating with fractions.
Decide how to help students build fluency with their basic facts
How kids learn their basic facts impacts how they approach operations throughout all of mathematics. In this kit we will look at a way to help kids become fluent with their facts by focusing on developing their flexibility.
Know what kinds of math experiences help kids build fluency
There is an overabundance of activities that you can give your students but what kinds help build all three areas of fluency? You’ll find out inside the Fluency Starter Kit.
Maybe you've been focusing on building fluency for your students, but it just doesn't seem to be working.
The Building Math Fluency Starter Kit will give you the information you need to feel confident that the activities and experiences you are providing your students are working to build their fluency.
If you have any trouble with the pop-up form to request the Fluency Kit use the direct link here.